You will have your own individual plan and be given a list of the best books available for your needs. This plan includes one lesson every month and 6 main topics and chapters covered on quizzes each half term that cover question up to the top grades for your level and ensure you cover the syllabus within an agreed time period. You can choose the topics in any order and synchronise them with any course you are covering at school or college.
You can also copy up all the up-to-date latest notes and do the quizzes time after time to revise your chosen subject. Also, you will have a one-to-one tutorial once a month covering the topic you find most difficult and/or a liaison with your family regarding resources and the best route for you. The charge for this is just £7.99 per week including the one-to-one tutorials.
Tutors are also available at any time on a one-to-one weekly basis with prices to suit everyone if you need extra help later.
What level would you like to study? (The ages are just guidelines - you can study any level at any age)